Saturday, June 20, 2009

hey everyone! welcome to my food blog. since its still in the very early stages of development, i don't really know what its going to become. but let me tell the story behind it. at the training ground's 2009 senior graduation party, i was having a conversation with chet, briana, nicole, and to a lesser extent, the other people at our table about a food blog. we were joking at the time about me taking pictures of my food. but at some point, someone suggested, maybe me but i can't remember, that i make a blog about the food that i eat. so here it is. we'll see if anything comes of it. please subscribe and comment!! i'm also hoping to get google's adsense working at some point so i can make money off this thing. so watch out for that. we'll see if that ever happens. without further ado, the food blog...